Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Maturity And Balance

       The managing director of a very large business was sitting in his New York office talking to a customer. Suddenly a secretary rushed into the room carrying a handful of impressive documents, and evidently very upset about something. He talked very fast and excitedly and non-stop, trying to impress upon his boss the desperate nature of the problem.
        Finally, the boss managed to get a word in edgewise and said, “Jones, don’t forget rule three.”

The secretary looked startled, and then with a smile, folded his papers and left the room.
       Overcome by curiosity, the waiting customer asked the business manager about the rule number three.

                “Rule three,” said the managing director, is; “Don’t take yourself too seriously.”

                “What rules one and two?” asked the costumer.

“There are no other rules in the business,” the manager replied, “only rule three.”

~ Cardinal Heenan

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