Playground Inspiration

Jane Nidetch was a 214-pound housewife. She was desperate to lose weight. After two steady months of dieting, she was still 50 pounds overweight. So she invited six overweight friends to her house to share her diet and talk about how to stay on it.

Today, 28 years later, one million member attend 25,000 ‘Weight Watcher’ meetings in 24 countries every week.

Mrs. Nidetch says she got her inspiration to help people take control of their lives, from a childhood incident. As a teenager she used to walk pas a playground. Mothers brought kids there to play, and then they would get so deep in gossip that they completely forgot about the children. The toddlers sat on their swings, but no one was giving them a push start. So she gave each of them a push. And you know what happens aster that: the swinger’s starts pumping and swinging by himself.

“That’s what my role in this weight watching has been," says Mrs. Nidetch. “I’m here to give others a push start.”

-Irene Sax in Newsday

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